Emergency Services

Emergency Management

Emergency Management Mission Statement:

The Montgomery County Emergency Management Department works to protect the citizens of Montgomery County through an Integrated Emergency Management framework encompassing the phases of mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery. Working in partnership with local, state, federal and private entities, Montgomery County Emergency Management seeks to provide a seamless and comprehensive Emergency Services program for all of the citizens of and visitors to Montgomery County.


A vibrant and progressive disaster resistant community.

Strategic Goals:

Prevention: Reduce demand for emergency interventions. Efforts include:

• Scenario Planning

• Preparedness Exercises

• Public Education

• Hazard Mitigation

Response: Maintain a 7 day, 24 hour on-call posture for both high impact (mass casualty) and low impact events, including:

• Search and Rescue

• Recovery

• Natural Disasters (wind, flood, fire, and earthquake)

• Technological Disasters

Recovery: Responsibilities include:

• Compiling Damage Assessment

• Initiating Requests for State and Federal Disaster Assistance Funds

• Coordinating of Delivery of Relief Supplies.

• Curfew and Re-Entry Coordination

On-Scene Response:
Montgomery County Emergency Management may respond on scene as deemed appropriate to serve as a liaison between the Incident Commander and Outside Agencies. The Director, or his/her designee, shall coordinate all requests for State or Federal Agency Support.